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Monday 17 June 2024

Information from SHOW SLAVE STATUS on mysql


Some output generated from GitHub Copilot;

Slave_IO_State: The current status of the I/O thread. In your case, it's waiting for more binary log events from the master.

, Master_User, Master_Port: The host, user, and port of the master server.

: The number of seconds the slave thread will sleep before retrying to connect to the master in case of connection loss.

Master_Log_File, Read_Master_Log_Pos: The name of the current binary log file on the master and the position up to which the slave has read from it.

Relay_Log_File, Relay_Log_Pos: The name of the current relay log file on the slave and the position up to which the slave has written to it.

: The name of the relay log file from the master that is currently being read from.

, Slave_SQL_Running: Whether the I/O and SQL threads are running. Both should be 'Yes' for replication to work.

, Replicate_Ignore_DB: The databases that are being replicated and ignored, respectively.

, Last_Error: The error number and error message of the most recent error.

: The position in the master's binary log file to which the slave has read and executed.

: The total size in bytes of all relay logs on the slave.

Seconds_Behind_Master: The time in seconds that the slave is behind the master.

, Master_SSL_CA_File, Master_SSL_CA_Path, Master_SSL_Cert, Master_SSL_Cipher, Master_SSL_Key: These fields provide information about the SSL configuration between the master and slave.

Last_IO_Errno, Last_IO_Error, Last_SQL_Errno, Last_SQL_Error: These fields provide information about the most recent error in the IO and SQL threads, respectively.

Master_Server_Id: The server ID of the master.

, Gtid_IO_Pos: These fields provide information about the Global Transaction Identifier (GTID), if it's being used.

Master vs. Slave Responsibilities:

  • Master: Generates and stores binary logs, which record all changes made to its databases.

  • Slave: Stores relay logs, which are temporary copies of the master's binary log entries. The relay logs are used by the slave to apply changes to its databases. Once the data from the relay log is applied, the relay logs can be purged.

Key Differences:

  • Binary Logs: Created and maintained by the master. The slave requests these logs to stay up-to-date with the master's data changes.
  • Relay Logs: Created and used by the slave. They temporarily store the data streamed from the master's binary logs and are used to apply these changes locally.

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