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Sunday, 20 December 2020

Problem building mesdb

I had trouble building mesdb using Netbeans but note that it did build correctly from the original source on the box, from the command line by running make.

Friday, 18 December 2020

/bin/bash^M: bad interpreter: No such file or directory

This is caused by windows carriage returns, the ^M is a carriage return character.

Windows uses CRLF whereas Linux only uses LF source

I had this issue when working between Linux and Windows using Sublime Text

and in this case, at the bottom of the editor, switched from Windows to Unix. 

Prevent cron from sending emails


 > /dev/null 2>&1

Thursday, 10 December 2020

Restoring a system archived with fsarchiver.

This is a Work In Progress walk-through, restoring a system archived with fsarchiver

UPDATED: 1 July 2021

Sunday, 6 December 2020

ifconfig not in /bin ?

If ifconfig is not where I would expect it to be, that is /bin/ifconfig then don't be getting all defrosted, just do;

sudo ln -s /sbin/ifconfig /bin/ifconfig

Wednesday, 2 December 2020

Installing and Configuring Jupiter Notebooks on Debian

To install, do;

apt install jupyter-notebook

To launch in the /var/jupyterNotebooks directory, do;

cd /var/jupyterNotebooks && jupyter-notebook --ip=

This will allow access to the server IP address on port 8888

The following will startup Jupyter in a sub dire 'NoteBooks' and can be closed by CTRL-C or by shutting down from the browser  The QUIT button.

echo "Starting Jupyter Notebooks..."
/usr/bin/jupyter-notebook --notebook-dir NoteBooks


To connect to MySQL we need to install PyMysql and this can be done by;
sudo python3 -m pip install PyMysql


sudo python3 -m pip install PyMysql[ed25519]

sudo python3 -m pip install PyMysql[rsa] 
and while we're at it, pandas is;

sudo python3 -m pip install pandas