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Thursday, 9 January 2020

Replacing postgres database

This is applicable to the Peon application, in so far as when the PAF data is updated and a new database is created, normally to a temp test database for testing, afterwhich a renaming or replacing of working database is required.

So, firstly, we need to ensure that there are no active connections, this can be checked with the following query, where target_database is the database name:

   datname = 'target_database';

If we need to kill connections, then the following can be tried where is the pid shown by the previous query. target_database is the database name:

   pg_terminate_backend (
   pg_stat_activity.datname = 'target_database';

I never found the above to be successful, so opted instead to shut down the database, which can of course be achieved by the following:

/etc/rc.d/rc.postgresql stop

followed by:

/etc/rc.d/rc.postgresql start

Then as the postgres user, normally postgres, run psql

To drop the database (there should be no active connections now;


To rename database;

ALTER DATABASE db_name_old RENAME TO db_name_new;

Alternatively, we can of course import the database, but first creating the database and importing. As per here.

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