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Friday, 14 February 2025

Remote Monitor

Remote Monitor v:1.4


TODO: A very brief blip on the background.


TODO: Principle of operation, add schematic.


The device we're currently using is a Raspberry Pi Pico W For details of the pinout, see here


TODO: Detail the client and device software with link to repo.


On power up the device will likely be un-configured and as such will boot into AP mode, allowing the wifi network to be configured. To do this, simply search for the device's wifi network named Resource Monitor using your mobile device and connect using the password 12345678 if required. If a previous wifi network has been configured, the method to reset it is as follows:
Power on the device and the LED should illuminate continuously for a period of approximately 10 seconds. during this time, you can bridge pins 19 and 20 as shows below;

If the device fails to connect to a configured wifi network,  you will also have the same opportunity as described above (the LED illuminates for approximately 10 seconds), without the need to power down the device.

TODO: Add access point image.

Once the device has been correctly configured and connected to your designated wifi network, navigating to the appropriate IP address and port should display a page similar to the below;

Normal operation

To monitor the device, connect using a usb cable and connect using PuTTY or using screen device baud, for example:  /dev/cu.usbmodem1401 115200
If you do this after powering the device, you may be able to see some useful information or diagnostic, however in general use, there is no such need to do this.





TODO: Add Java runtime download locations.

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