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Wednesday, 30 August 2023

HTML mouse over hover text

The following examples should work;

<td title="Look at me" >Hover Over me</td>
<p title="Look at me" >Hover Over me</p> 
// We can also use php in there, like the below; 
<td title="<?= get_message_text($row['MESSAGE_NO']) ?>"><?= $row['MESSAGE_NO'] ?></td>

Thursday, 17 August 2023

Convert asf format videos using ffmpeg and ffprobe in Linux

Basic conversion would be as below;

ffmpeg -i input.asf output.avi

If we wanted to change the resolution, we would first do;

ffprobe -v error -select_streams v:0 -show_entries stream=width,height -of csv=s=x:p=0 input.asf

which would show us the original resolution, we could then set the resolution of the output as below;

ffmpeg -i input.asf -vf scale=704x506 output.avi

Wednesday, 16 August 2023

MySQL paging or scrolling

We can use the following to prevent query results from scrolling to the end of the results;

\P /usr/bin/less

or alternatively;

pager less -S

This will act like grepping a file to less (cat somefile | less)

\n or nopager will return to normal.

Additionally, we can use the \G at the end of a query to output results vertically, say we have too many columns. For example show slave status\G;

Wednesday, 9 August 2023

monit summary showing "error connecting to the monit daemon"

I've had this several times and while it's been an issue, it's never really bothered me enough to investigate. I have however since found this to be a result of there being no "lo" interface up. when running ifconfig it was missing, so simply bringing this up by ifup lo resolved.

Clear bash history

history -c && history -w


Thursday, 3 August 2023

XFCE desktop configuration file

 can be found here: /usr/share/applications/appName.desktop