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Friday, 22 November 2019

Updating java GUI components

I've had numerous problems over the years trying to update java components such as labels before carrying out other tasks and reaearch tells me that Threads are the way to do this.

see also: java-threads.html

Connect to Windows share from Linux command line.

An example of connecting to a Windows share from Linux command line;

smbclient //IP_ADDRESS/SHARE_NAME -U username

smbclient // -U username

Then you will be promted for the password and find yourself at the smb: \> prompt.

You can then use;
ls for a listing of files
get filename to grab a file
cd folder to change directory

exit to exit

Thursday, 21 November 2019

Java Threads and populating a list in real time

Thread t = new Thread(new Runnable()
                public void run()
                    //do Work here...


Java jList

To create a jList and populate it in real time;

Thursday, 14 November 2019

Setup Postgres on Slackware

TODO: Add Slackware install

with user postgres run psql


GRANT ALL ON DATABASE dbname TO postgres;

Wednesday, 13 November 2019

Python reading file error - 'utf-8' codec can't decode byte

When reading in a file and getting errors such as example:
'utf-8' codec can't decode byte 0xa3 in position 2897: invalid start byte 
Add errors='ignore' as per the following example: 
 with open(fname,"r", errors='ignore') as fo:

Tuesday, 5 November 2019

Saturday, 2 November 2019

Install docker on Slackware

quick notes



Revised Sep 2024

See note below.

Revisited Aug 2024

The below is related to Slackware 15 and used the sbopkg method, see here for more information about getting sbopkg up and running.

So, I set about building Docker using the following order:

which is required to satisfy dependencies.

Once google-go-lang was installed, the build or runc failed and I found my way to the solution [here]. Essentially, you should build and install google-go-lang and then log out and back in before continuing with runc.

Once the above was done, or running the shell script at /etc/profile.d/ then was good to continue (note, I done this using my current user, with and without sudo and also as root. I eventually had to open a new terminal to get it to work without error).

Once complete, do;

sudo groupadd -r docker

sudo usermod -a -G docker <username>


then you need to install docker-cli which I chose to do using sbopkg thanks to Audrius Kažukauskas for this []

In hindslight, this should be added to the above packages order, after docker itself.



Change form GPT to MBR partition types

To change from GPT to MBR partitioning type under linux;

disk /dev/sda (assuming the drive is sda)

Then use the x option (extra functionality)

then use option z to destroy GPT

Now you can use cfdisk /dev/sda as per normal and choose DOS

Tested on Slackware 14.2