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Friday, 23 August 2019

mount CD on RHEL 7 Linux

run blkid to find out the correct device, example /dev/sr0

Create a mount point if it doesn't already exist.

mount /dev/sr0 /mnt/cdrom

mount /dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom (might work)

Thursday, 22 August 2019

RHEL Network configuration

The primary network configuration files are as follows:

Resolve host names that cannot be resolved any other way, by DNA for example. 
This file specifies the IP addresses of DNS servers and the search domain.
This file specifies routing and host information for all network interfaces.
For each network interface, there is a corresponding interface configuration script. Each of these files provide information specific to a particular network interface.

Change Linux run level

On systemd (including RedHat) do the following;
Text Only
ln -sf /lib/systemd/system/ /etc/systemd/system/
Graphical Envirment
ln -sf /lib/systemd/system/ /etc/systemd/system/
UNIX System V (including Solaris and Slackware), do the following;
Edit /etc/inittab
Look for the section Default Runlevel
and edit the line that follows (normally 3 for multiuser mode, 4 is X11 and 1 is single user mode)

Wednesday, 7 August 2019

Configure apache to run python scripts

Edit httpd.conf file to include the following;

Uncomment LoadModule
<IfModule !mpm_prefork_module>
        LoadModule cgid_module lib64/httpd/modules/
<IfModule mpm_prefork_module>
        LoadModule cgi_module lib64/httpd/modules/

Add ExecCGI
    Options Indexes FollowSymLinks ExecCGI

Add .py
    AddHandler cgi-script .cgi .py