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Saturday, 29 December 2018

mySQL and phpMyAdmin

See here for a more up to date account of installing Apache, php, mySQL and phpMyAdmin on Debian.

Thursday, 27 December 2018


# This is the main Samba configuration file. You should read the
# smb.conf(5) manual page in order to understand the options listed
# here. Samba has a huge number of configurable options (perhaps too
# many!) most of which are not shown in this example
# For a step to step guide on installing, configuring and using samba, 
# read the Samba-HOWTO-Collection. This may be obtained from:
# Many working examples of smb.conf files can be found in the 
# Samba-Guide which is generated daily and can be downloaded from: 
# Any line which starts with a ; (semi-colon) or a # (hash) 
# is a comment and is ignored. In this example we will use a #
# for commentry and a ; for parts of the config file that you
# may wish to enable
# NOTE: Whenever you modify this file you should run the command "testparm"
# to check that you have not made any basic syntactic errors. 
#======================= Global Settings =====================================

SQL DML Data Manipulation Language

FROM someTable
ORDER BY pk_id;

SELECT id, machine, user
FROM db.tableA varA
JOIN db.tableB varB ON (varA.user = varB.user)
WHERE id=500

/*! so db.tableA can be referenced by varA and db.tableB by varB */ 

INSERT INTO 〈table name〉( 〈column 1〉, 〈column 2〉,... 〈column n〉 )
VALUES ( 〈value 〉, 〈value 2〉, ..., 〈value n〉);
Note column names do not require quotation marks, however values do.

INSERT INTO 〈table name〉
      ( 〈value 〉, 〈value 2〉, ..., 〈value n〉)
      ( 〈value 〉, 〈value 2〉, ..., 〈value n〉)
      ( 〈value 〉, 〈value 2〉, ..., 〈value n〉); 
Note: We can omit the column names so long as the list of values match the number of columns AND are in the correct order.

UPDATE 〈table_name〉
SET column1 = value1, column2 = value2, ...
WHERE 〈condition〉;

DELETE FROM 〈table_name〉 WHERE 〈condition〉;
DELETE FROM table_name
Note: the latter command removes ALL data from the table. 

If we wish to list all different values in a column and count the number of instances of that value.
SELECT "names", COUNT("names") AS numberOfTimes
FROM mydf
GROUP BY "names"


SQL DDL Data Definition Language

SQL in Jupyter Notebooks specifically PostgreSQL

Linux users and groups


1) useradd user
Create a user. 
2) passwd user
Create/Change password for user.

To create a new user, gennerally run 1, then 2 above, alternatively, you can use adduser user
which is a higher level command. 
adduser user group
As above but also adds user to group.
passwd -l user
Lock user, preventing logon using password.
passwd -u user 
Unlock user. 
passwd -S user  
Get Status for user. 


groups username 
Shows a list of groups the current user is a member of.
id shows the numerical id's.

groupadd newgroup
Create a new group 
addgroup newgroup
Create a new group  
usermod -a -G group username
usermod -a -G group1,group2,group3 username 
append group(s) to username. Add username to group(s)

usermod -g groupname username 
Modify user's primary group (g = primary group G = secondary group)

useradd -G group username
Create a new user and assign it to group
getent group
List all groups on system.

groupdel group
Remove group 
groupmod --new-name NEW_GROUP_NAME OLD_GROUP_NAME
rename a group.  



Thursday, 20 December 2018

Linux user log

To view the recent logon activity for a user, use the following;

last username

Monday, 10 December 2018

email forwarding

Assuming everything else is set up, users domains and such;

Add the following entry to aliases file;


Then update aliases file and restart sendmail.

You can also add a .forward file to the user's home folder like so;

The former method is preferred.