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Wednesday, 13 June 2018

Change Form component from other class

To change a component on a form from another class, for example if we have a GUI which is the startup component and we have a slave class that does a lot of work, calculations, searching and such and we wish to update a coomponent on our form from within this slave class.

In the form class, which we’ll call GUI

slave s = new slave(this);// slave is the other class and “this” is a reference to itself, the GUI

In the other class, which we’ll call slave

GUI form; // where GUI is the name of the form class

    public slave(GUI formObject)//formObject is a reference to the GUI form passed by “this”.

        form = formObject;
        //form.setVisible(true); // not needed as it’s already visible

void changeButton()
        form.setButtonText("hello"); // The setButtonText method is an accessible method in the GUI form