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Tuesday, 24 March 2020

Server Settings for Dreamweaver

Server Settings for Dreamweaver to allow publishing to a site connected to locally.

In my example, my web server is on my local network, accessible from the internet, so to prevent setting up firewall rules and port forwarding to allow external access to FTP etc, I would rather connect using the local private IP address.
However, previously when attempting this, the default directory was the home directory for the user used which is no good.

The screen shot below, shows how to properly accomplish this;

Saturday, 7 March 2020

MySQL triggers

The below are examples of 2 triggers I set up on a database recently.

The first one was to evaluate a condition on inserting a new record, while the second one was to evaluate the same condition but this time on update.

Sunday, 1 March 2020

Backup and restore MySQL database

To backup a MySQL database

See this link here

shell> mysqldump [arguments] > file_name
shell> mysqldump --all-databases > dump.sql

shell> mysqldump --triggers --routines --all-databases > dump.sql  
shell> mysqldump --databases db1 db2 db3 > dump.sql

shell> mysqldump --databases dbname > dump.sql

OR omit the --databases

shell> mysqldump test > dump.sql

To dump only specific tables from a database use;

shell> mysqldump dbmane table1 table3 table7 > dump.sql

To dump only the structure from a database use;

shell> mysqldump --no-data dbmane > dump.sql 

shell> mysqldump --d dbmane > dump.sql  

Note: -d includes the triggers. 

To dump only the routines from a all databases use;

mysqldump -u username -p -n -t -d -R --all-databases > routines.sql

To add the host and the user root, do;

shell> mysqldump --host= --port=3307 -u root -p dbmane > dump.sql

See also my post here for details on how to simply copy the table structure.

Real examples with my_db:

The following will backup the structure, triggers, functions and procedures; 
mysqldump --host=[...] -udev -p --no-data --triggers --routines my_db > my_db_structure.sql
The following will backup the entire database, as above but including the data;
mysqldump --host=[...] -udev -p --triggers --routines my_db > my_db_all.sql

To restore a MySQL database

See this link here

shell> mysql -u root -p < dump.sql

Within mysql (first login, see below);
mysql> source dump.sql

To login to mysql, do;
mysql -u username -p

If the dump file does not create the database, then this must first be created;
shell> mysqladmin create dbname

Within mysql (this works for me);
mysql> CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS dbname; mysql> USE dbname; mysql> source dump.sql

Real example with my_db:
Firstly, ensure the database has been created by logging in and doing:
mysql --host=[...] -udev -p my_db < my_db_all.sql
To backup and restore database users and grants, see here